Frequently Asked Questions
Get answers to most frequently asked questions about CyberSkills2Work.
It is a federally funded program designed to expand the nation’s cybersecurity workforce. It supports national efforts to get more individuals into cybersecurity work roles. It is offered free as an incentive, especially for transitioning military, first responders, veterans, military spouses, and government employees.
Eligible applicants must be at least 18 years old to participate in the program.
A first responder is a person who is trained and works professionally to respond to emergency situations and provide assistance during crisis incidents. Firefighters, emergency medical technicians, paramedics, 911 dispatchers, and law enforcement officers are considered first responders.
Yes. It is encouraged. The minimum requirement for an applicant is a high school diploma, so we need to obtain your recent transcript to further support your application, no matter if you attended a school overseas.
Indeed. We welcome any unselected applicants to reapply in following years, after meeting eligibility requirements. Once background, education, or any other requirements are met, applicants are encouraged to reapply to the program.
It depends on the pathway training selected. Course delivery formats vary from in-person to hybrid, asynchronous synchronous online, depending on the institution providing the training.
Certainly. However, we require that accepted learners enroll in one training program at a time.
The program covers courses, exam vouchers, and all other materials (including e-books, videos, and training labs) free of charge to accepted learners. The program does not provide a laptop, computer, or high-speed internet.
No. CyberSkills2Work assists learners with job placement and connects them with employers who are looking to fill vacant cybersecurity positions via the National Cybersecurity Employers Network. Learners also have free access to a job board on the MyCyberSkills2Work portal, where they’re able to search for openings and apply to positions there. The program also provides career development resources to help participants market themselves for future job opportunities.
Yes. You may reapply, but acceptance isn’t guaranteed. If you are readmitted, the corresponding institution will confer with you on the best course of action for resuming your program training.
No, it does not. Membership is free for NCAE-C colleges and universities to participate in CyberSkills2Work. We only require that representatives of institutions devote time and effort to help promote CyberSkills2Work, contribute ideas, teach learners, and provide data on program and participant outcomes.
No. Only NCAE-C designated institutions with established or developing cybersecurity workforce programs are eligible to teach and help develop curricula for CyberSkills2Work at this time. However, if interested, your institution could support the program as a partner. Contact us to express your interest in the program.
Yes. Eligible institutions can leverage the CyberSkills2Work platform and tools to offer workforce development programs, including an aptitude assessment tool, common application, and Employers Network. In addition, they can use or adapt available curricula and resources to develop training courses and pathways.
Yes. There is currently no required length of participation for institutions accepted to the coalition. However, institutions must meet performance measures to retain membership.
No. Network membership doesn’t cost anything; only your time and effort are required.
Any organization with current or future cybersecurity job opportunities is eligible to join the National Cybersecurity Employers Network. Organizations are encouraged to support the program by considering the recruitment of program graduates and/or providing feedback on employment needs and program pathways and curricula.
Yes. While the program emphasizes organizations in the critical infrastructure sectors, all employers with cybersecurity positions are eligible to join.
Basically, our network employers connect program learners and graduates to career opportunities within their organizations. They interact with learners via webinars and other program activities. They share cybersecurity career opportunities, consider program graduates for job openings, and provide feedback to improve the program. Get more information.
Certainly. We welcome employers who are interested in CyberSkills2Work. If you know an organization that is specifically interested in hiring and mentoring cybersecurity professionals, please encourage it to apply for membership to the National Cybersecurity Employers Network.

The National Cybersecurity Workforce Development Program, CyberSkills2Work, is funded by the National Security Agency National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity (NCAE-C) Program and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).