Program Learners
Developing skills for diverse cybersecurity roles.
Navigating the Field of Cybersecurity
The future is bright for CyberSkills2Work program learners. The growing cybersecurity field needs skilled professionals who can expose and fight cybercrimes. The program trains people who are keenly interested in working in the broad cybersecurity field. We’ll help you identify an ideal work role to pursue, based on your experience, interests, and aptitude. With the right qualifications and drive to succeed, you might be a perfect fit for CyberSkills2Work. Participation is free for qualifying transitioning military, first responders, veterans, military spouses, and government employees interested in launching or advancing a cybersecurity career.

Understanding Work Roles
CyberSkills2Work offers training for more than 16 cybersecurity work roles within the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education Framework. The NICE Framework sets guidelines for the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to perform jobs in the cybersecurity industry. Its educational standards guide workforce development for information and critical infrastructure security across public, private, and academic sectors.
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Cyber Career Pathways
Choose a cybersecurity career path for the work role of your choice. CyberSkills2Work offers training in more than 16 pathways of learning, including cyber defense analyst and vulnerability assessment analyst. Learn from the nation’s best cyber scholars and get on the path to launch or advance your cybersecurity career.
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Determine Your Cyber Aptitude
Do you have what it takes to succeed in cybersecurity? Take our aptitude test to determine your cybersecurity competence. Find a work role that’s right for you. Your future depends on it.
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CyberSkills2Work sharpens your technical skills so you become cyber savvy. Besides gaining a better understanding of threats to the cyberworld, you’ll learn hands-on how to foil them with real-world techniques. If accepted to the program, you’ll enjoy the training experience and milestones along the way as you make these strides:
- Learn from experts alongside other aspiring cybersecurity professionals.
- Earn industry certifications and digital badges that verify your skills.
- Network with employers offering career development assistance.
Program Benefits
CyberSkills2Work offers intensive training programs designed to prepare the cybersecurity workforce. It addresses the job shortages in our nation’s critical infrastructure sectors, including financial services, defense, and energy. The program equips accepted applicants with training, certification, job placement assistance, and a path into the thriving cybersecurity field. It targets transitioning military personnel, veterans, and first responders, but other cyber enthusiasts including military spouses are encouraged to apply.

Program Components
CyberSkills2Work puts you on a career path in less time, no matter your cyber quest. Our free training programs help learners develop competencies for any cybersecurity endeavor, including entry-level analyst, investigator, and manager work roles. Just select a pathway equivalent to your dream job title and receive intensive, up-to-date training. Training programs range from three months to one year long, depending on the pathway. Enjoy learning incentives along the way.
CyberSkills2Work provides in-person and online learning options. Choose from asynchronous, synchronous, hybrid or in-classroom training, which is provided in cohorts (guided group studies). Learners only need a laptop and reliable internet; all other materials are supplied free.
Elite U.S. colleges and universities with exceptional cybersecurity academics design and deliver our training programs and curricula. They create learning objectives that meet NICE Framework standards to prepare learners for growing cybersecurity workforce demands.
The MyCyberSkills2Work portal is a one-stop-shop for program learners. Communicate with your learning institution, manage your application, and access the job board and your badges all from one location.

Industry Certifications
Certificates allow CyberSkills2Work program graduates to showcase and verify their cyber knowledge and abilities. Participate in prep courses and receive materials and vouchers to test for industry certifications. Employers across the nation and globe accept and recognize certifications, which help program graduates compete in the cybersecurity job market.
Digital Badges
Receive digital badges for completing the program and courses. These badges authenticate a learner’s competency to perform work role tasks and concepts in any job industry.
Digital Wallet
Keep track of earned badges in your digital wallet. Receive instant notification when your learning institution adds a new one to your wallet. Link to badges in your digital wallet from online job applications and LinkedIn.
National Cybersecurity Employers Network
Connect with representatives and job opportunities at world-renowned companies and organizations from across the country. CyberSkills2Work’s National Cybersecurity Employers Network comprises public and private businesses from the nation’s critical infrastructure sectors. Network members have a vested interest in the success of the CyberSkills2Work program and in hiring its graduates. They want to help reinforce America’s cybersecurity workforce with talented and qualified professionals.
See list of employers in the network >>>Are you up for the task?
Apply to CyberSkills2Work and get a jumpstart on your cybersecurity career. You're headed in the right cyber direction.
Getting Started
If you have a passion for computers and the internet and you’re interested in joining the cyberworkforce, try CyberSkills2Work. Find out if you’re an ideal fit for the cybersecurity workforce program. You’re only steps away from finding out if a career of fighting cybercrime is truly your destiny.

Discover Your Cyber Aptitude
Assess your natural cyber talent and capabilities. Learn what NICE Cybersecurity Framework work roles best fit your abilities.
Take the aptitude test >>>
Choose a Pathway
After discovering your ideal work role, select the equivalent pathway that gets your cyber training underway.
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Are you eligible? Find out. Answer a few qualifying questions and ensure that you have all required documents on hand.
Learn how to apply >>>
The National Cybersecurity Workforce Development Program, CyberSkills2Work, is funded by the National Security Agency National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity (NCAE-C) Program and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).